Inspired by Students 4: Naomi

(fictionalized) The alarm rings.I open my crusted eyes from a deep sleep and streeeeeetch my limbs and my eyes close again. I was just having that juicy dream about Drake and Rihanna wasn’t there, if you know what I mean. Ok now get your mind out of the gutter. It was just a kiss. IContinue reading “Inspired by Students 4: Naomi”

Inspired by Students 3: Mason who was Catherine who’s now Matt

(fictionalized) “Ok for those of you who weren’t here last time, we’ll go around the circle and say our names and pronouns. I’m Bryan, he/him,” Bryan said, and gestured to his right. “I’m Vickie, she/her.”“I’m Daria, and I go by they/them.”“I’m Sammy, they/them.”“I’m Nicole, she/her.” “I’m Michael, he/him.”“I’m Jasper, and my pronouns are they/them.”“I’m Amanda,Continue reading “Inspired by Students 3: Mason who was Catherine who’s now Matt”

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